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  • Writer's pictureLusu Mwah

5 Useful Study Apps

When it comes to finding the right applications to stay organised, it takes a long list of trial and errors.

I am the least organised person, and so finding an app that worked with my tastes was quite hard.

Below is a list of my useful study apps that I actually use.

#1 ClassUp

This application allows you to organize your timetable, sets reminders for various tasks and allows you and your classmates to interact. It even has the widget option, hence you can see your next class just by turning your phone on.

#2 Keep Notes

This application is provided by Google and it is linked to your gmail. Hence, you can access your reminders, links etc on any device.

#3 Flip

This is a focus timer for when you studying. It grades you according to how many breaks you took and how long you studied for. I mostly use this during my final exam period.

#4 Quizlet

If you like to use questions to test your recalling ability after studying, this is the app. It uses various methods such as flashcards, matching and tests to ensure you remember what you have studied.

#5 Notebloc

This is my least favourite app. I only use it when my classmates ask me for a picture of particular notes or when I ask them. I can simply use notebloc to convert the picture into a PDF file. The document looks like a scanned copy of the particular picture taken.

I hope you found this Lusable!

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